Loader Dashboard
Allow customers to pre-pay online for orders they'll pick up at your yard
*this feature is visible only if you've enabled Pick Ups in Settings > Pick Up Orders.
Orders placed for Pick Up queue up in the Loader Dashboard, awaiting the customer's arrival for fulfillment. Check it out-
Loading with BDP
Loader operator clicks "Assign" to claim an Order when the customer arrives to pick up their material, then clicks "Details" to work the load. Upon loading, operator has the ability to mark the Order as Complete or Partial, depending on the customer's vehicle hauling capacity. For instance, a customer in a small pickup truck orders 3 Yards of mulch, but clearly can only haul 1 cubic yard at a time- Loader will mark 1 of 3 YDS complete on the first trip, and so on. BDP will track "Partials" so other operators have visibility into previous loads. When an Order is finished, Loader marks it "Complete" with the option to send a 'Thank You + Review Request" to the customer.
**HINT: while a customer does not need to schedule a Pick Up as they would a Delivery, you can set an "Order Expiration in Days" so that forgotten orders don't crowd up the Dashboard ("expired" Pick Up orders can always be found in the Orders archive)
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