Driver Dashboard
BDP empower drivers with a delivery interface built for bulk in the 21st century
Order List (Today)
The default view of the Driver Dashboard, manage present-day Orders using the tabs marked "Unassigned," "My Orders," and "All," each with a blue numeric indicator bubble.
Unassigned: to start the day, Orders will appear in the "Unassigned" tab in sequential order of scheduled delivery. Orders from the day's first Timeslot appear at the top, each followed by the next throughout the day.
My Orders: drivers can "Assign" Orders to themselves, or Orders can be Assigned to them by an Admin. Once Assigned, Order transfers from "Unassigned" to the driver's queue, aka "My Orders."
All: As Orders are pulled from the "Unassigned" tab and worked, they'll remain visible to the operation in the "All" tab, where active and completed Orders compile for reference.
Taking a Delivery
At this point, a Driver is probably logged into BDP on their smartphone, or a dash-mounted device. From "My Orders," Driver clicks "Details" to access the Order page (Driver View).
Within the Order page, Driver has all pertinent details at their fingertips- volume and product, scheduled time, destination address/Pin Drop (click address or "Directions to Dump Point" to boot Google Maps navigation), delivery notes, and customer contact information. Admin notes allow Drivers to report back to HQ.
Delivering: When Driver is loading the truck, click the "Delivering" status button at top to mark the Order as in-progress, which also initiates an automatic SMS Notification to the customer announcing:
"Hello from (company name)! We are loading up your order of (Volume - Product) and will be headed your way shortly!"
Complete: After successful delivery, Driver clicks the "Complete" status button at top to mark the Order as done, also giving the Driver's the option to send a 'Thank You' or 'Thank You + Review Request' text message.
"Thank you from (company name)! Your order of (Volume - Product) has been delivered. If you have a spare moment, would you consider leaving us a good review? (Google review link included). Thanks again from our whole crew!"
Same-Day Ordering
*this feature only visible if you've enabled Same Day Ordering in Settings > Calendar & Availability
If you're willing to give it a shot, Same-Day Ordering is a game-changing feature for bulk hauling operations- especially when the sun is shining. Wake up with 7 orders booked, finish the day with 20...
Same-Day Ordering means customers can place an order for delivery that same day, so long as a delivery slot is available. Once Same-Days are enabled, an indicator switch appears at the top right of the Driver Dashboard, which by default is green or "turned on" to start each day. At any point in the day, a Driver or Admin can manually "turn off" Same-Days by clicking the switch, which will turn red. Same-Day Ordering is then automatically re-enabled to start the next day. By default, Same-Days shut off each day as soon the clock enters the day's last time slot, as customers cannot order within a given slot. For instance, if your last time slot is (2:00pm - 5:00pm), Same-Days will no longer be accepted starting at 2:00pm, except on the rare occasion as noted below.
**NOTE: BDP holds a customer's time slot for 15 minutes when they initiate checkout. If a customer abandons their shopping cart at 1:59pm, but then resumes the process- an order could slip in as late at 2:14pm. If your last time slot is (2:00pm - 5:00pm), your last official check for Same-Days should be 2:15pm, or 15 minutes into your final slot.
Order Map (Today)
Satellite pins mark the day's deliveries to help facilitate dispatch and route optimization. Pins change color based on order status (red = scheduled, blue = assigned, green = delivering, black = delivered) and initials of the driver responsible appear once assigned.
Use the < > arrows to scroll forward to view future dates.
Drivers can reference the entire Orders archive and utilize its powerful search functionality. Click an Order Number to view details of each delivery.
Convenient reference for company information of your various material Vendors, including address, phone number, associated Products, and any miscellaneous notes.
Last updated